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Friday, January 28, 2011

Animals Are DYING- Can you help? You'll get a thank you gift WORTH BIG $$$$$

So, maybe you heard the show or maybe you missed it. LOVE PAWS is a new network on Facebook to save Animals... the show is archived, take a listen- here is the link:

Be sure to friend the page- and share links. Right HERE:
In the mean time- What can YOU do?

The kind hearted soul that runs the network does it all from A CELL PHONE

So here is the deal, Joshua-Paul is a fashion designer and has worked with MANY celebrities.

He'll design for YOU, should you be able to donate a USED computer to Kelly (that runs LOVE PAWS)

Can you help or do you know someone who can? 
Please "share" this...

Let's get her a computer. Somebody out there has one they can donate.

I feel it!
Chumley Steinberg, Assistant to JP, host of The Joshua-Paul Show On WBTR WorldWide Radio.

1 comment:

  1. Let me see what I have - it may not be TOP of the line, but I will look around. Does she have a monitor?
